Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So, when we first started the group, we had no plans of being considered an Acappella group. Though we had one or two A cappella songs in our repertoire, we were still a group that would be accompanied by a band. However, as it became more difficult to secure a band of musicians that were available or within our budget (and as we were being introduced to so many other styles and sounds in A cappella music), we started singing more A cappella songs.

It is now September 2011 and we have finally decided to put together a 45-minute to 1-hour A cappella set. We are excited about the process and just wanted to get some thoughts on possible songs for this. What are some songs you would love to hear done A cappella--Contemporary Christian, Gospel, R &B, Pop, African, Brazilian, etc...? If you have been to an A cappella performance, what do you find most exciting about an A cappella show? What would you want to see or hear at a Traces A cappella Performance.

Please share your thoughts with us via this blog, on www.facebook.com/traces5 or on twitter.com/@traces5

With Love and Excitement,


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Keep Stepping

So recently people have approached individual members of Traces with the following questions:  Do you guys sing anymore? Man, I haven’t heard anything from you in a while; is Traces still a group? When was the last time you sang? Do you have any upcoming engagements?
(I know many of you are reading and thinking to yourselves...Traces who? Visit www.traces5.com and get to know us a little more)

Yes it seems that we have been somewhat MIA; we did take a bit of break. However, a lot of new and exciting things have been going on in our lives, individually as well as the whole.  New moves, new members, new projects, new directions, new songs and new ideas are all part of our one step at a time approach to our musical journey.

We sincerely invite you to journey with us as we strive to keep stepping and moving forward.